Aminet 16
Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso
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"A war cruiser. Never thought I'd see one of *those* again."
'They're still big and ugly.'
-- Sinclair and Garibaldi reminisce, "Legacies"
"Attention Zocalo shoppers. You can now find all your culinary needs at
Wong's Kitchen on Level 6. Fresh chak'ri are on special while they last.
Please bring your own holding tank."
-- Zocalo announcer, "Legacies"
"We have no interest in explaining our ways to you."
-- Alyt Neroon, "Legacies"
"You know, Jeff, I can't believe you're really going to attend this
ceremony. I mean, this Branmer guy planned and led the attack on
the Line."
'I know. He commanded one of the ships that splashed my team, but the
war is over. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.'
-- Garibaldi and Sinclair, "Legacies"
"It is an unhappy journey on which you travel."
'For the warrior, there is no other end to the journey.'
-- Delenn and Alyt Neroon, "Legacies"
"You don't like it, do you?"
'My preferences are not under discussion, Commander.'
-- Sinclair and Delenn, "Legacies"
"Impetuous. Is this how you reacted on the Line, Commander?"
'This isn't the Line.'
"No. *We* were in control there."
-- Neroon and Sinclair, "Legacies"
"It's been my experience that discussions of old battles only interest
historians. What do *you* think, Commander?"
'I think...I have a station to run.'
-- Delenn and Sinclair, "Legacies"
"Diplomacy, Commander?"
-- Garibaldi, "Legacies"
"This was the greatest of us: warrior, leader, the hero of the Line. He
fought with honor, bravery and with vision. Now, he belongs to the Ages."
-- Alyt Neroon (in Branmer's ceremony), "Legacies"
N: "Branmer's death was a great sorrow to us. To lose the vessel of his
soul will bring his clan's fury upon you."
S: "Are you threatening to make war over this?"
N: "That is how the last one started, with the murder of Dukaht."
G: "*That* was a tragic accident."
-- Neroon, Sinclair and Garibaldi, "Legacies"
"Garibaldi was right. He said this was going to be trouble."
'There's nothing more annoying than Mr. Garibaldi when he's right.'
-- Sinclair and Ivanova, "Legacies"
"The Corps takes care of its own."
-- Talia Winters (re: Psi Corps), "Legacies"
"You'd probably be the only human there."
'Ah, but we are prepared to pay so well for the privilege of entertaining
-- Dr. Franklin and Na'Toth (re: living on Narn), "Legacies"
"I hope that isn't the sign of some frailty in her."
'Why don't you check her *teeth* while you're at it?'
"Think that's a good idea?"
-- Na'Toth and Ivanova (re: Alisa Beldon), "Legacies"
"Oh, by the way, you know what they say Narn taste like?"
'Yeah. Like chicken.'
-- Dr. Franklin and Garibaldi, "Legacies"
"Man, I really need a vacation."
-- Garibaldi, "Legacies"
"I don't take kindly to threats, Alyt."
'I do not *make* threats, Commander.'
-- Sinclair and Neroon, "Legacies"
"All right, Alisa. What *do* you want?"
-- Talia Winters, "Legacies"
"Apparently, non-human minds can cause a problem for someone who isn't
'Yes, I *have* heard this. We do not all think the same way.'
-- Ivanova and Delenn, "Legacies"
"You had no right to touch the Shai Alyt's body! He was warrior caste by
right of his father."
'And religious caste by right of his mother. You know which takes
-- Neroon and Delenn, "Legacies"
"It stops here or the Star Riders will be destroyed, dishonored by your
'Do you speak for yourself?'
"I speak for the entire Grey Council."
-- Delenn and Neroon, "Legacies"
"That is a direct order from the Grey Council. You will obey it, as you
did our order to end the war. Do you understand?""
'Yes. I understand, Satai Delenn.'
-- Delenn and a very subordinate Neroon, "Legacies"
"There's no price high enough to compensate for being surrounded by Narns."
-- Talia Winters, "Legacies"
"You talk like a Minbari, Commander. Perhaps there was some small wisdom
in letting your species survive."
'We like to think so.'
-- Neroon and Sinclair, "Legacies"
"Alisa could become an instrument of great communication between humans and
Minbari. We suffer a lack there, *as you know*, Commander."
-- Ambassador Delenn, "Legacies"
"When you looked into Delenn's mind, did you see anything else? Anything
'There was one other thing. A word: chrysalis. I don't know what it means.'
"It's a cocoon, I think."
'A cocoon? That's weird. She shut down real fast when I touched that.
Why would she want to hide that?'
"I don't know..."
-- Sinclair and Alisa Beldon, "Legacies"